Naming conventions

a standard way a group of programmers will follow for their identifiers, often languages will have an associated naming convention because the programmers all follow similar, but it isn’t typically restricted to that convention Snake-casee.g. linked_list, is_sorted Pascal-casee.g. LinkedList, IsSorted Camel-casee.g. linkedList, isSorted juxtapositione.g. linkedlist, issorted

End-of-line characters

used to create a new line in printing output, sometimes using escape characters for the new line depending on language Note that most high-level languages’ compilers or interpreters will account for differences in target machine interpretation of end-of-line (e.g. C++ end of line is std::endl), some lower-level languages need different new line (e.g. C endContinueContinue reading “End-of-line characters”

Escape sequence/character

when trying to print a reserved or special character (e.g. ‘ ‘ single quotes in C++ which typically are used to indicate to compiler the start and end of literals), the escape character is used to indicate the next character is to be interpreted alternatively e.g. in C++, to print ‘ single quote, you needContinueContinue reading “Escape sequence/character”


the name associated with a function, special type, object, or action – usually tied to the language being used Some identifiers are keywords inherent to the programming language (think return for C++), but most identifiers will be named and given by the programmer (e.g. getResultant function identifier was named by programmer who wrote function)Different programmers/companiesContinueContinue reading “Identifier”

Language Implementation Types

Code that is not in binary (i.e. not machine code) cannot be read by machines, and therefore must be translated to a series of instructions that a computer can understand and execute The machine code is specific to the target machine (e.g. code compiled for Windows can’t run on Mac), and the language implementation typesContinueContinue reading “Language Implementation Types”

Computer program

Programs in general receive input, communicates with other devices, processes data, reads and stores data onto external storage, and produces an output Programs are data (in stored program computers), which operates on data, and can manipulate other programs (e.g. viruses, Operating systems) Without extra information or context, we can’t distinguish what is data or instructionsContinueContinue reading “Computer program”

Object Oriented Programming

a programming paradigm sub-type (sub-type of imperative programming) in which the program is built by breaking the task down into objects that exhibit behavior (methods) and data using interfaces (contract that states what an object that implements the interface must implement) and messages (communication between objects) OOP groups instructions into objects that exhibit behavior (methods)ContinueContinue reading “Object Oriented Programming”

Function / Subroutine / Callable unit / subprogram / procedure

a sequence and package of instructions that performs a task. Functions are made to be used in programs wherever that particular task should be performed (i.e. gain reusability for common tasks) In different programming languages, a function may be called a subroutine, subprogram, method, or procedure. Technically, these all have different definitions with slightly differentContinueContinue reading “Function / Subroutine / Callable unit / subprogram / procedure”

Common Programming Paradigms

Programming paradigm is a style or way of programming describing the general thought process or way of thinking about the programming method Languages can be used with multiple paradigms, e.g. Javascript has implemented Lambdas more suiting functional paradigm vs it’s traditionally OOP paradigm structure imperative (also called procedural): a paradigm that uses statements that change a program’s state,ContinueContinue reading “Common Programming Paradigms”

Declarative Programming

a general paradigm where the programmer merely declares properties of the desired result (what the program should accomplish), without how to get it. You declare what you want to happen, not how it’s done.There are no loops or conditional statements There are plenty of filters and operations on the data as a whole, but theContinueContinue reading “Declarative Programming”