Naming conventions

a standard way a group of programmers will follow for their identifiers, often languages will have an associated naming convention because the programmers all follow similar, but it isn’t typically restricted to that convention Snake-casee.g. linked_list, is_sorted Pascal-casee.g. LinkedList, IsSorted Camel-casee.g. linkedList, isSorted juxtapositione.g. linkedlist, issorted

Language Implementation Types

Code that is not in binary (i.e. not machine code) cannot be read by machines, and therefore must be translated to a series of instructions that a computer can understand and execute The machine code is specific to the target machine (e.g. code compiled for Windows can’t run on Mac), and the language implementation typesContinueContinue reading “Language Implementation Types”

Memory & Storage

Memory is for temporary usage, storage is for long or permanent usage Many types of memory and storage on a computer, all with different speeds, persistence (e.g. temporary vs persistent data), and therefore typical uses Memory Type Outside CPUTypical Physical LocationMemory / Storage & PersistenceSpeedCost & Typical Storage SizeTypical UseCPU RegistersInside CPUMemory(Temporary)FastestVery smallData in CPUContinueContinue reading “Memory & Storage”

General computer hardware parts

Almost all modern day computer hardware is set up to follow stored program computer architecture, and more specifically von Newmann architecture CPU (Central Processing Unit)Brain of computer, executes instructions and programs and performs computationsGPU (Graphics Processing Unit)Similar to CPU, but specialised to process graphicsMemory & StorageCacheMost temporary memory outside CPU, often storing data that isContinueContinue reading “General computer hardware parts”

Data Types: unsigned vs signed

many data types, these are two simple types used to define further how to interpret data represented in notations such as binary (nibbles, bytes, integers), hexadecimal, etc Unsigned every character represents a whole number to be added to other characters at the corresponding bases, with right to left index starting at power 0 increasing byContinueContinue reading “Data Types: unsigned vs signed”

Conversion of Unsigned Decimals to Binary to Hex

Many notations can be used to represent the same number, conversion table below for unsigned decimal to unsigned binary to unsigned hexadecimal Decimal is base of 10Binary base of 2Hexadecimal base of 16 (Base of x means one character can represent up to x different valuese.g. in everyday math, we typically use decimal notation, baseContinueContinue reading “Conversion of Unsigned Decimals to Binary to Hex”

Common Programming Paradigms

Programming paradigm is a style or way of programming describing the general thought process or way of thinking about the programming method Languages can be used with multiple paradigms, e.g. Javascript has implemented Lambdas more suiting functional paradigm vs it’s traditionally OOP paradigm structure imperative (also called procedural): a paradigm that uses statements that change a program’s state,ContinueContinue reading “Common Programming Paradigms”

Hooke’s Law

calculates the force exerted by a spring at any given length relative to neutral length (e.g. stretched longer or compressed shorter than neutral length of spring)The force is proportional to the distance away from neutral state $latex \vec{F}_{spring} = -kx\\ \\ \mbox{Where}\\ \vec{F}_{spring} \mbox{: Force exerted by stretched/compressed spring (Newtons)}\\ k \mbox{: spring constant (N/mContinueContinue reading “Hooke’s Law”

Conservation of energy

the total energy of an isolated system remains constant (energy is conserved over time), with conversion to energy types through the work-energy theorem $latex \Sigma E_{before} = \Sigma E_{after} \mbox{ (}+E_{friction,thermal}) $ Thermal Energy, Friction & Conservation of EnergyTypically, when we see conversion of energy to low-level thermal energy (e.g. heat generated through friction), we consider itContinueContinue reading “Conservation of energy”